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WindEnergy Hamburg

Join us to celebrate 20 years of FGH Certification
Wednesday, September 25th, 5 pm / 17:00, booth A1.327

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Ensuring Grid Code Compliance

Worldwide's first accredited body for grid code compliance certification

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Our Inspection Body

Customized on-site testing and inspection services

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    Certification Body
    You would like to prove the compliant behavior of your power generating unit, electrical component or power generating system? It should be verified by an independent and accredited certification body? We look forward to working with you.
      Testing Laboratory
      Within our testing laboratory we offer qualified conformity and type testing for generating units and components. We are accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005. Benefit from our wide range of services!
        Inspection Body
        As a perfect complement, our inspection body offers customized on-site testing and inspection services. You are looking for an experienced partner with highly qualified staff? Please feel free to contact us for more information.
          About Us
          Do you require certification services for your component, power generating unit or power generating plant? Would you like to carry out a measurement of your products or do you need a protection test at your plant on-site? Benefit from FGH's highly qualified employees in our certification body, testing laboratory, or inspection body. As an experienced partner, we will support you in your projects of all technologies - wind energy, photovoltaic systems, CHP units, hydropower plants and storage systems. Please do not hesitate to contact us.